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"It's time for Christmas and I know you've never experienced a Christmas musical like this before! I wrote the lyrics for each inspiring song to leave your spirit merry and bright as you're led through this incredible Christmas journey!" Keep Shining, Karla

Are you looking for a NEW and EASY-TO-STAGE Christmas Play with ORIGINAL Christmas music to perform this holiday season?
No words for the actors to memorize! Narrators will read scripture as the actors act out each inspiring scene, while your angel choir and soloists sing to the beautifully arranged performance tracks.
“HOPE IS ALIVE” is for all ages to be performed by a small group or as a large production.
Script Includes:
A list of detailed Director's Notes
Stage diagrams and scene changes
Copy duplication privileges
Buy the script and download Performance Tracks & Vocal Demonstration tracks for each song for free
Contact Karla with any questions regarding the musical

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